Study Abroad in China Academic Year Programs | Academic Year Abroad in ChinaChoosing a Study Abroad in China Academic Year program may be a fantastic fit for the student seeking an immersive way to study Chinese, expand their global community, earn academic credit and be a tourist all at once. China is the world’s most populated country, and the second largest country in the world by land mass.[i] With sights such as the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, and the Baling River Bridge, taking a full academic year to study abroad in China is well worth considering.

Why Consider a Study Abroad in China Academic Year Program?

China is a biodiverse country that has made significant contributions to science, culture and cuisine! One of the potential advantages to studying abroad in China for a full academic year is that you may feel more settled in, despite it being a foreign land. In classroom learning and free time combined may be a great way to see more of your host country, make friends, expand your international awareness and update your resume. Choose from a variety of programs and subjects in popular cities in China such as Yunnan, Bejing, or Shnaghai. Browse the sponsored listings to land on the one that resonates with you personally and academically.

FUN FACT: To greet someone in Mandarin Chinese with the rough translation of “hello” you might say ‘Ni Hao.’[ii]

Sources: [i] | [ii]