Study Abroad in Germany
Germany's landscape appeals to students everywhere. For those looking to go beyond the borders of their own countries, Germany is one with much to offer, including:
- A landscape packed with interesting topography.
- Castles, abbeys and architecturally rich houses, churches and small villages.
- Nature, art, shopping, sport and the cosmopolitan flair of Europe's biggest cities.
- Some of the world's greatest opportunities in higher learning and education.
It's these and other attractions that bring some 250,000 foreign students each year (up from 150,000 about 10 years ago) to this globally revered federal republic. Here, the trade, technical schools and universities are among some of the most coveted. Those who come to study in this heart of Europe thus find the opportunity to:
- Choose from some 375 institutions and a broad menu of degree programs and majors.
- Benefit from excellence in research and teaching.
- Gain from the experience of both the practical and theoretical aspects of learning.
There's no denying that Germany is a leader in drawing the brightest of the 1.8 million students who choose to travel the world to further their education.
A Unified Germany Boasts a Long and Rich History
Two of Germany's most famous sons, the great poets Goethe and Schiller, once lamented on its history by saying, "Germany? But where is it? I cannot find that country."
That's because, up until 1971, Germany was made up of several hundred kingdoms and principalities, independent cities and towns. Such division into parts remained true for Germany even into the 20th century, when the nation was divided into "East" and "West Germany" following the Second World War. The two halves were reunited in 1990.
The process of finding answers to Goethe and Schiller's questions about the shape of Germany's government and its peaceful coexistence is what defines its history-and many of the political, economic and cultural elements that exist today.
Now, fully unified, the Federal Republic of Germany is made up of 16 individual states, separated by their own constitutions and joined under one great umbrella. A democracy with a liberal-market economy and the freedom of religion and press, this cohesive Germany remains:
- The largest economic and political influence in Europe and the third largest in the world.
- One of the global market's greatest exporters (for example, aircraft, telecommunications, household goods, etc.), with the United States as its second greatest trading partner.
- An industrial powerhouse, famous for its technology, research, environmental engineering, and, yes, cars (Mercedes, for instance).
The Diversity of City Life Across the Provinces
It's also one of the most densely populated countries in Europe, as more than 7 million foreigners live and work here-with 3.4 million in the capital city of Berlin alone.
They know what tourists and visitors come to learn: This country that sits in the center of Europe (between Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland) is not just a triad of mountain ranges, uplands and low-land plains or a mere bridge to beyond the four corners of its borders.
It's a special place with a deep history and a kaleidoscope of allure.
Places of Interest
When you come to study in "this land of a thousand possibilities," you'll get to work hard and play hard. That's because its checkered and divided history has resulted in an architectural, cultural and artistic treasure trove.
Remnants of the past are scattered like confetti from Frankfurt, the city known for its business and finance, to Munich, known for its Olympic Stadium, world-class music and exotic collection of brews.
Some other highlights involve:
- The capital city of Berlin--a top travel destination--offers a unique combination of history, night life and historical remnants.
- The legendary River Rhine, with its castles, cathedrals, vineyards and wine festivals, has inspired artists throughout time. It's also lined with scenic hiking trails, fireworks and even car racing, infamous to the city of Hockenheim.
- The oldest city in the country, Trier, boasts a French influence that remains from the old days in its collection of romantic river valleys.
No matter what brings you to this desired homeland, Germany is a place that not only honors its traditions, but the people who've created them. Like the beer vendor at Oktoberfest. And students like Jackson and Marty.
Perhaps you can be one of them too.
The nation of Germany is a leader in renewable energy systems, and it is innovating rapidly in the areas of climate change and geopolitics.