Program Details

SpoSMaPro programme offers education possibilities to students of all nationalities. Application deadline 15 February, 2013.
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:
Sports Management

Program Overview

Program Description:
The aim of this two-year master’s programme is to develop and augment the current knowledge of students in the field of sport in order to instil in them both the theoretical and practical skills required to meet the growing number of challenges in the dynamic field of sport and society. The key issues to be addressed in the Master's Degree Programme in Sport Management and Health Promotion are: -Third sector, public sector and private sector activities within sport -Globalisation, borders and locality -Leisure, environmental issues and tourism These topics will be explored from the multidisciplinary perspectives of sport sociology, planning and management, preparing students to enter the workplace with a valuable insight into the prevalent needs of the sport and physical activity cultures of modern times. The Master's Degree Programme in Sport Management and Health Promotion leads to a Master of Science Degree in Social Sciences of Sport.

Additional Program Information

The programme and the awarded degree is officially recognised by Finnish legislation and decrees.
Financial Aid:
* Bachelor’s degree or equivalent studies in the field of social sciences of sport or another relevant field (sociology, social sciences, business, administration, management or communications) * Proof of English language proficiency (official TOEFL, IELTS of Pearson Test scores) * Proven interest in the field of sport
International Requirements:
The admission requirements are the same for all applicants regardless of the nationality. Application deadline is 15 February, 2013.