Program Details

Master of Science M.S. ------------------------------ The College of Natural Resources offers a single Master of Science degree encompassing a wide range of natural resource disciplines and issues with both a thesis and non-thesis option: Forest Res
Moscow, United States
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:

Program Overview

Program Description:
Master of Science M.S. ------------------------------ The College of Natural Resources offers a single Master of Science degree encompassing a wide range of natural resource disciplines and issues with both a thesis and non-thesis option: Forest Resources; Conservation Social Sciences; Wildlife Resources; Fire Sciences and Management; Rangeland Sciences and Management; Fisheries Resources; Forest Products/Biomaterials Students in the M.S. Natural Resources program work with our internationally recognized faculty across eight programs and a wide range of emphasis areas to address complex natural resource issues. This degree is designed to help future natural resource professionals acquire strong research, decision-making and problem-solving skills. The University of Idaho gives students ready access to thousands of acres of working forests and rangelands as well as wilderness areas, pristine rivers, lakes and streams. Our close proximity to America's natural resources offers multiple opportunities to build professional networks and gain hands-on experience solving some pressing natural resource challenges. Ph.D. in Natural Resources ________________________ Located in beautiful northern Idaho, surrounded by wildlands and in the heart of the Palouse region, the University of Idaho is among the best places to study natural resources. Through direct interaction and support from our 50 research and teaching faculty members, you will learn what it takes to apply natural resource science to actual programs, policy issues and research and management initiatives. As a Ph.D. student, you have the unique opportunity to create a highly customized study plan tailored to fit your specific interests and experience. In terms of research, there is no limit to how far your studies can take you. Whether you study forest fire management, ecology and conservation biology, policy analysis or more, the opportunities are vast. We are home to 15 research units and a remote wilderness research station. In addition, we have one of the largest DNA and genetics laboratories in the nation devoted to collecting critical scientific data for wild populations of plants and animals. You will learn principles for managing and ultimately protecting our land, water, minerals, forests, fish and wildlife. Your studies will be shaped by interaction with renowned faculty in a traditional classroom setting, during field trips and with extensive lab work. With this background, you will be well equipped to contribute to important environmental science and natural resource projects in governmental agencies, academia and in the private sector. Some research and teaching assistantships available Masters of Natural Resources ________________________ The Master of Natural Resources (MNR) is an interdisciplinary course-based graduate program designed for mid- and executive-level professionals who wish to enhance their educational credentials for a career in natural resources. The fundamental objective of the MNR graduate program is to integrate and scale various perspectives – ecological, the human dimension, planning, policy and law, and practical tools – into a systems view of natural resources. This unique professional degree is accessible to students of diverse academic backgrounds and will help graduates develop credentials and skills for the effective management of natural resources. Many of the courses in this program are available online/distance.

Additional Program Information

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities and Society of American Foresters