Program Details

UBC and the Province of British Columbia offer exceptional opportunity for combined field and laboratory research. The Canadian Cordillera offers research opportunities in: petrology of intrusive and volcanic rocks of many kinds, and of metamorph
Vancouver, Canada
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:

Program Overview

Program Description:
UBC and the Province of British Columbia offer exceptional opportunity for combined field and laboratory research. The Canadian Cordillera offers research opportunities in: petrology of intrusive and volcanic rocks of many kinds, and of metamorphic rocks of all grades structural studies of complex metamorphic terrains exposed in three dimensions metalliferous deposits of varied genetic types mineral exploration methods; mineralogy associated with many different environments complexly folded and faulted successions of bedded rocks in the mountain belts and plateaus, and in virtually undisturbed coal- and gas-bearing strata of the north-eastern province numerous problems of engineering, environmental geology-related to water, slope stability, natural geological hazards, and hydrogeology (lakes, fjords, deltas, tidal flats, continental shelf, and oceanic depths provide a wide range of aquatic environments for students interested in sedimentology, geochemistry, biostratigraphy, and geological oceanography) The Department maintains excellent provisions for research and study through the Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research (PCIGR), a regional facility providing state-of-the-art laboratories for isotopic and geochemical analyses of rocks and fluids. Facilities include: a Nu Instruments multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer a Finnigan Triton thermo-ionization mass spectrometer; an automated VG solid source mass spectrometer for U-Pb geochronology a micromass 5400 noble gas mass spectrometer a Finnigan Delta Plus XL stable isotope mass spectrometer a Finnigan Element2 high resolution CIP-MS, Class 100 clean laboratory a CAMECA SX-50 electron microprobe and scanning electron microscope  

Additional Program Information

Public Canadian University
Financial Aid:
International Requirements:
Please refer to the program website for this info.