Program Details

Naturopathic Medicine has a focus on preventative medicine and non-invasive treatment.
Bridgeport, United States
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:
Medical Specialties

Program Overview

Program Description:

The College of Naturopathic Medicine offers the only accredited Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree on the East Coast, training students to be primary health care providers with a focus on preventative medicine and non-invasive treatment. The program is four years full-time on the Bridgeport campus and offers fall intake each year on a rolling basis. Students enroll in two years of didactic coursework followed by two years of clinical experience on campus. The College partners with the Nutrition and Acupuncture Institutes to provide dual degree options, and boasts a dispensary and herbarium right on campus. Scholarships are available to qualified candidates.

Additional Program Information

The College of Naturopathic Medicine is accredited by the Connecticut State Department of Higher Education to offer the degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. The College is accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), which is
Financial Aid: