Program Details

At Roffey Park, we provide something genuinely different to a conventional MBA programme.
Horsham, United Kingdom
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:
Executive Business Administration

Program Overview

Program Description:
At Roffey Park, we provide something genuinely different to a conventional MBA programme.   Our MBA is delivered using a process called ‘Self Managed Learning’ which helps you determine what you want to learn and how you are going to learn it.

Successfully proven since 1989, our MBA has attracted experienced managers from organisations such as Allied Domecq Spirits and Wine UK, American Express, Ericsson, London Underground, Royal Mail, Safeway Stores plc, SmithKline Beecham, as well as local authorities, central government departments, NHS trusts, regional health authorities and voluntary organisations.  On an international level, managers from leading organisations in Germany, Sweden, Canada, Ireland, Spain and Portugal have also participated.

Roffey Park’s MBA programme is validated by the University of Sussex, recognising its academic rigour.   Graduates attend a full mortarboard-and-gown ceremony and, on successful completion, attain a recognised Masters qualification.