Program Details

The M.A. in Inner City Studies Ed. emphasizes the scholar/activist tradition in preparing those who work/live in the inner city.
Chicago, United States
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:
Area, Ethnic & Cultural Studies

Program Overview

Program Description:
The Inner City Studies Education graduate program places intense emphasis on the scholar/activist tradition in preparing those who work and live in the inner city to understand and act upon the interests of residents of the inner city. The graduate program places in-depth examination and analysis of the multiplicity of research issues, problems, assumptions, and questions about inner city communities from a culturally relevant perspective with emphasis on African-Centered models. The ethnographic methodological focus of the program seeks to connect graduate researchers with the real life voices and perspectives that characterize the inner city. The overall aim of the program is to forge new understandings of inner city communities in the Chicago metropolitan area and worldwide. Careers • Social Service Professional • Human Service Professional • Alternative/Charter/Contract School Professional • Higher Education Professional • Youth Mentorship Program Professional • Community Outreach Professional ICSE-411 Graduate Study in the Inner City ..................3 cr. ICSE-427 Seminar in the Inner City Community ..........3 cr. ICSE-442 Research Methods in Inner City Studies .....3 cr. ICSE-443 Research Writing .............................................3 cr. ICSE-452 Field Internship ................................................3 cr. ICSE-453 Seminar in Field Internship ...........................3 cr. ICSE-454 Master's Project Research..............................3 cr. Three approved electives................................................9 cr.

Additional Program Information

The College of Education is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Colleges of Teacher Education (NCATE), the premier accrediting body approved by the U.S. Department of Education. This means that our programs and our faculty undergo a rigorous peer review process every seven years. Our theme, COE Professionals; Reflective, Collaborative, Transformative, underpins our emphasis on our performance standards aligned with the Illinois Standards for School Professionals (IPTS). Our programs in School and Community Counseling are not only recognized by NCATE but they undergo a separate peer review process and are accredited by CACREP, the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. So, you can see that the COE at NEIU represents the highest standards of professional excellence, commitment to diversity, and collaboration with each other and with our local community.
Financial Aid:
Applicants must fulfill the requirements for admission to the College of Graduate Studies and Research. There is no program specific requirements. GRE: Not required