Program Details

The Discipline carries out research in a number of areas including the central nervous system, stem cells, ovarian physiology, preimplantation embryo development and has particular interests in electrophysiology and signal transduction mechanisms. Admis
Galway, Ireland
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:
Human Physiology

Program Overview

Program Description:
The Discipline carries out research in a number of areas including the central nervous system, stem cells, ovarian physiology, preimplantation embryo development and has particular interests in electrophysiology and signal transduction mechanisms. Admission to a research degree is at the discretion of the potential supervisor and the Head of the Department and is based on a proposal from the applicant following discussion with the member of staff whose academic area is most appropriate. Candidates should have obtained an honours degree (2.1) in Physiology or a cognate subject such as Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Anatomy, or Microbiology Areas of interest: Control of preimplantation embryo growth and development. Mechanisms regulating ovulation. Signalling systems involved in the control of cell differentiation. Neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology of the polyamines Pathophysiology of stroke and Parkinson's disease Neurodevelopment in vitro models

Additional Program Information

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