Program Details

The Certificate in Global Leadership prepares students for leadership positions across a wide array of organizational
Honolulu, United States
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:
Graduate Certificate
Environmental Science

Program Overview

Program Description:
Graduate Certificate in Global Leadership and Sustainable Development: The certificate prepares students for leadership positions in organizations and institutions that transform globalization dynamics into sustainable economic, social, and environmental development practices and programs. Students will learn to put the needs of local traditions, cultures and communities at the forefront of the globalization dynamic. The certificate emphasizes the import of systemic thinking and critical analysis for understanding the forces of globalization on local cultures, traditions, the natural environment, and social organization.

Additional Program Information

Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC),Council on Social Work Education (CSWE),National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission.
International Requirements:
English proficiency details: A score of 80 overall and at least 25 in writing for iBT, A score of 213 overall and at least 5 in TWE for CBT, A score of 550 overall and at least 5 in TWE for PBT, and a score of 6 overall and at least 6.5 in writing for IELTS.