Program Details

Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling.

Emporia, United States
Program Type:
Full Degree
Degree Level:
Rehabilitation Counseling

Program Overview

Program Description:

The purpose of the program is to prepare masters level counselors to work in a variety of human service settings, including public and private rehabilitation agencies, community based rehabilitation programs, mental health centers, correctional programs, alcohol and drug programs, independent living centers, employee assistance programs, educational settings, school to work transition programs, life-care planning programs, halfway houses, and group homes. Rehabilitation counselors provide or coordinate assessment; individual, group, and family counseling, vocational/career counseling, job development and placement; medical services; educational training; and follow-along services. Graduates are eligible for national rehabilitation counselor certification and may meet the requirements for counselor licensure in Kansas upon completion of the program.

The department, which is housed in The Earl Center, 1601 State St., has a state-of-the-art counseling clinic which includes digital audio-visual equipment, individual and group counseling session rooms, and other facilities essential to the preparation of counselors.

Each student follows the same core curriculum. The unique academic background and work experience of each student is taken into account in planning a program of study. All programs require 100 hrs. of practicum experience and 600 hrs. of supervised internship experience. Students interested in completing a THESIS may enroll in 3 hours of thesis credit essentially eliminating the elective requirement. Students will be required to pass an oral defense of the thesis in lieu of writing and passing the comprehensive examination. All other course requirements for the degree are the same. (refer to the graduate policies for more information on thesis requirements.)

Candidacy is the formal approval for pursuit of the master's degree after it is determined that all specified criteria have been met. Upon completion of six to twelve hours, students should make application for Degree Candidacy through their advisor.  Requirements for degree candidacy are as follows:

Degree plan filed through student's advisor.
Maintain a B average with no grade lower than B in core courses.

In order to receive a master’s degree from this department the student must accomplish the following:
1.  Complete an approved program of study as developed and approved by your faculty advisor.
2.  Apply for Degree Candidacy.
3.  Pass a written comprehensive examination (taken during the final semester of enrollment). Comprehensive examinations are coordinated by the department’s administrative assistant.  Therefore, students need to sign-up for this examination during their final semester of internship. An alternative to the comprehensive examination is completion of a master’s level thesis.
4.  Complete an Intent to Graduate Form (submit to the Graduate Office).
5.  Pay commencement fee.

Additional Program Information

Accredited by Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE).
Financial Aid:
1) An overall 3.00 grade-point average on a four-point scale or a 3.25 on the last 60 semester hours for the undergraduate degree. 2) Three letters of recommendation. If you are employed, a reference from your current or recent employer/supervisor is desired. 3) Graduate Record Examination (141 verbal and math) or Miller Analogies Test (45). 4) A B.S., B.A., B.F.A., or B.S.E. degree. 5) A letter of application that responds to the following areas: the factors in your personal and professional background and experience that have led you to seek an advanced degree in rehabilitation counseling, your professional goals, the type of work setting and the client population with whom you desire to work after graduation, and the kind of person you believe yourself to be presently (personal qualities or characteristics).
International Requirements:
For international student admissions, please visit out International Education web site.