A Study Abroad in Venice program, Italy brings you into a unique city in northeastern Italy that is literally a group of 117 small islands that are separated by canals and linked by 400 bridges, although it is not a big city.[i] Since no cars are allowed in the center of the city, Venice is a charming city to walk, or ‘stroll’. With unique museums, canals, iconic landmarks, and cobblestone streets, earning valuable undergraduate credits while studying abroad in Venice sounds like a living museum and memorable experience.
Why Consider a Study Abroad in Venice Program?
Also called the “City of Water”, the “City of Masks”, the “City of Bridges”, the “Floating City” and the “City of Canals”, a Study Abroad in Venice, Italy is bound to be exciting. Birthplace of the canvas, Antonio Vivaldi and Murano glass, Venice is regarded by some as one of the world’s most beautiful cities as well as a major international center for higher education [ii]. Whether you are looking into studying Italian in Venice or taking courses in another subject in English while soaking up the sights and sounds, there are many positives to choosing to study in Venice.
FUN FACT: How do you say “romantic” in Italian? Say ‘romantico’ (web)[iii]
Fun and Festivities
Venice is known for its festivals and events; the Carnival of Venice is world-famed for its elaborate masks but this is only one of many. The Venice International Film Festive and the Veneto Jazz are worth taking in.
Attractions and Architecture
Venice is widely known for St. Marks’ Basilica and the Piazza San Marco. Also visit the Palazzo Ducale for a fix of Gothic architecture and the Gallerie dell’Accademia to take in Venetian art from the 14th to 18th centuries, with works by Bellini, Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese and Canaletto among others.
It-Bag and Fashion
One of the first designers credited with creating the concept of the easily identifiable "status bag" or “it-bag” as it is called today, was Giuliana Camerino, founder in 1945 of the Venetian fashion house Roberta di Camerino[iv]. Check out the shops near the Rialto Bridge and in the Piazza San Marco.
Venetian Cuisine
As with other cities in Italy, food in Venice is based on the region and local ingredients, such as seafood. Look for risotto col nero de sepe (risotto with cuttlefish and blackened by their ink), golden cookies called baicoli, fritole (spherical donuts) and tiramisu.
Printing Press
Venice was considered the European capital of printing in the 15th century, a fact that undergrads in literature, art, and journalism are likely to find fascinating. Or, just focus on the fact that it is a city used by Shakespeare in Merchant of Venice and Othello.
Maybe you are familiar with public transportation but nothing the likes of a romantic gondola ride. The gondola is a flat-bottomed rowing boat that is well-suited to the Venetian lagoon. Propelled by a gondolier, they are mostly now used for tourists.
Twist and Shout
One of the things to know before you go is that the Grand Canal is actually the main street in Venice. Since the streets wind around, it is easy to get lost (note to self). Also, streets tend to get crowded and dotted with pick pockets (stay alert and be aware).
Find a Study Abroad in Venice
While you can certainly Study Abroad in Venice as part of a multi-city program, you can also find programs where you stay and study in Venice. Whether you are looking into an intensive art history or an Italian language immersion, start to review sponsored listings to find the program that aligns with your interests!
sources: [i] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venice |[ii] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venice | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival_of_Venice | timeout.com/venice/features/386/festivals-events-in-venice | lonelyplanet.com/italy/venice/sights/museums-galleries/gallerie-dell-accademia[iii] google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=how%20do%20you%20say%20romantic%20in%20italian[iv] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Bag | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gondola