Program Details

Teaching is organised on a module-credit basis with learning methods based on lectures, directed reading, workshops, seminars, and practical and project work. Some modules include group work and teamwork activities. Each course module is assessed individ
Barcelona, Spain
Program Type:
Study Abroad
Degree Level:
Academic Year

Program Overview

Program Description:
Master Programme in Business and Marketing has been designed for those who may not have studied for a degree in business or management and for all those who would like to increase their understanding of a range of business and management subjects with a major emphasis on marketing. The Business School within EUSS and Public University UAB is acknowledged as a leading provider of professional business management education and training in Spain. We draw on the expertise of a wide range of teaching and research staff, and our students are drawn from all over the world. Our reputation is built on our student-centered approach as well as our teaching excellence. We are also recognised for innovation and service to the community and professional organisations, and for pioneering new and innovative approaches to teaching and learning. Master courses are taught in English with continuous Spanish language training.

Teaching is organised on a module-credit basis with learning methods based on lectures, directed reading, workshops, seminars, and practical and project work. Some modules include group work and teamwork activities. Each course module is assessed individually, generally on the quality of written or visual presentation work, and to some extent, on verbal presentations. Assessment methods may include reports, seminar papers, formal written examinations, in-class tests, project work, visual and verbal presentations, workshops, simulations and practical exercises. The majority of assessments is based on individual assignments and assessed group work. Learning methods will, therefore, emphasis a process whereby students will be encouraged to relate knowledge, understanding and skills to real organisational issues. The use of models, paradigms and analytical frameworks drawn from the strategic management and systems traditions and which illuminate human resource issues and dilemmas will be used alongside tools and techniques traditionally deployed by those charged with responsibility for the management of people. These activities, plus the opportunity for students to work in groups with other programme members from different backgrounds and experiences provides the opportunity for a learning process which is shared and experiential. Master courses are taught in English with continuous Spanish language training.

On completion of the 60 ECTS required by the Master, you obtain the official qualification of Master in Information Sciences in Business and Marketing from UAB and EUSS. On completion of Internship required by this Master programme, you obtain in addition the Diploma “Global Internship”, aworded by GSM Barcelona.
Fees Total tuition fee: - 9 800 euros Tuition fee with SDF-GSM Barcelona grant applied - 6 980 euros