History Tour


On the Friday of my second week in Aix, I went on a history tour given by a professor from my program.  I will try to pass on some of the knowledge that I gained.

Aix is an old town, like 123 B.C. old.  There were people living in the area before it was officially a town as well.  Marseille is the oldest town in France but Aix is the oldest Roman town.  

Biking in Denmark

One of the first pieces of advice I got when I came to Denmark was: Beware of the Cyclists. In Copenhagen, bicycles rule the land. Not a day goes by when I don't see hoards of cyclists on there way to work. And while this is a great way for the Danes to reduce their carbon footprint and get great exercise, it also makes for an intense journey for those of us without bikes. An unspoken rule in the city is that cyclists get the right of way regarding pedestrians.

They like films here

Starting it off with a group shot of everyone on the trip which is almost everyone in my program:

Challenge #1: See if you can spot me


So they also like murals here:

Challenge #2: See how many film characters you can identify. First Leo moment of the day.


Nice is Nice


The first weekend my program had a planned trip to Nice, Monte Carlo, and Cannes.  After a failed alarm and catching a bus to Nice to meet up with the group I got this view from my bus:


Smart people using a teepee-like structure to dry their towels and enjoy the consequential shade!