Wearing Anchors

While studying abroad is mostly fun and exciting, it's sometimes hard.  I have left lifelong friends back at college and the security of the known in the USA to travel to a place where I don't know the rules.  Then, to cap it all, I've switched from taking mostly technical courses (programming, calculus, etc.) into taking all acting courses where there is no quantifiable right or wrong and our own feelings are our greatest tools.

Student Film

I was privileged to be cast in a student film at the local community college, and it taught me a lot about an actor's role in a production.  It is a common misconception that actor's only think about themselves when, in reality, to act I have to be more focused on my scene partner.  During the film shoot yesterday, I understood that my role was to make everyone else look good.  So often in life, I concentrate on how I come off and what people think of me.

Tips and Tricks for Affordable Travel

Between finals, getting your tuition payment in and figuring out what you’re doing with your life, no one is going to argue that a college student's life is easy! When school lets up for even a moment, you can feel an intense urge to escape and that’s where cheap travel comes in. The truth is that while expensive vacations to the tropical paradises are nice, your vacation can be amazing without that high price tag.


I feel a deep sense of peace and magic in the ancient theaters of Turkey. These stages have seen performances for 2,300 years and they still ring with a mysticism. In Ephesus, Murat (our tour guide) led the group around to the first row of seats, and I (ignoring him completely) headed straight for center stage.  "Sing us a song, Christine," he called. How could an actress possibly refuse an opportunity like that?


How in the hell did I end up here? I have asked myself this question numerous times throughout my study abroad experience but none more so than this day where I find myself on a tour through Turkey. Of course, I know physically how I got here, I remember booking the trip, but I'm still not sure why. I ddi not find the answer until later on in the tour. I have become the baby of the group (apparently this was not a student tour, but one for all ages).