In the beginning...



I have been in Vichy for about a week and it has been absolutely AMAZING!

Getting here was a bit difficult because my flight was delayed and I had to spend an extra $120 on another train ticket, but as soon as I got to the international student apartments, I knew this was a great decision!

Helping Find the Best College For You: CollegeSearch Twitter Chat

Have you started your college search yet? Finding a college that fits your needs, personality and educational goals can be so overwhelming, you might not know where to start. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

On September 5th at 4:00pm ET, we’ll be talking with GoEnnouce, College Prowler, Noodle Education, and to get some tips on college visits, the application process, and what to look for in your search.

I Love German Beer!

Ze Germans and ze beer is no news to anyone; albeit for an expat like myself it sure was a hell of an experience. Needless to say, beer is an inseparable and valuable article in the German culture and routine.