
Hej all! I just got back last night after traveling in Europe for two weeks. It was a crazy trip! My friends and I visited Rome, Florence, Paris, London, and Dublin. Because we wanted to see so many places, we only got to spend a few days in each place. But man was it worth it!

Tasmania: Day 2

Another early morning and we were on the road off to Cradle Mountain. We stopped along the swirvy wurvy mountain roads at a Tasmanian devil sanctuary – part of the National Park. Some super Aussie tour guide and passionate devil fanatic chatted with us about the animal. 1. They’re endangered 2. They have a pouch 3. They are marsupials. Yea, so they were absolutely adorable and are very ‘tolerant’ of humans entering their environment.

Bring on Luberon


Luberon is a beautiful region of southern France and the location of the second trip by my program.  We started off at a chateau in the village of Lourmarin.

Here is are some views of the town from the chateau:

The chateau had a rectangle pond with fish and a pretty statue.