The Perks of Scotland

I am officially done with lectures at The University of Edinburgh! I have two finals in May but other than that I am free to travel and roam around Europe. And travel I will… the next couple of weeks will be filled with plenty of trips and exciting times to come. This is the start of spring break… my parents and brother are coming to Scotland for the next week and then I am travelling to Amsterdam, Berlin and Vienna with my two flatmates, Gabrielle and Emily.


Being in the city of Rome is a fantastic experience. It's a bustling city with so many things to offer students. However, sometimes you just need a break from city life and what better way to take that break then by going on a day trip?! My friends and I decided to do just that thing. We had heard about a town not too far outside Rome called Morino. Morino is known for their pulled-pork sandwiches and local wine.

Sun, Elections and Scottish History

I can’t believe that I only have two months left in Europe. Being abroad still seems like a bit of a dream… one that I am very happy to wake up to every day. For the past week the weather has been absolutely gorgeous here— low seventies which is extremely rare for Edinburgh. I have been walking around with a huge smile on my face and have spent the past few afternoons lounging in an immense field of grass called the meadows.