Dinner With Friends

After school, Martin, Terjei, Ahd, and I went over to Martin's house to cook dinner. First we stopped off at the local Tesco and bought chicken, tomatoes, pasta sauce, pasta, garlic bread, cake, and ice cream.  Then for about 5 quid each (saying 'quid' is the same as saying 'bucks' in the U.S.) we had homemade chicken carbonara with mint chocolate chip ice cream and chocolate cake for dessert.  It was one of those dinners that was not only good food, but a great meal.

My Birthday, Valentine's Day, and a Ceilidh

I had one of the best birthday's I ever have.  I suppose normally, I'm scared of planning anything for my birthday (scared that it won't be special enough), but this year, I just felt taken care of in the simplest of ways and it meant the world.  On the 14th, Alfie, Tarjei, and Ahd took me out for dinner and a movie (Indian food at Masala Twist & Warm Bodies).  I thought the movie was excellent, but Tarjei can't seem to appreciate a good zombie romantic comedy.


I seem to have a lot of time on my hands.  It's so weird to be in class for eight hours, then get out and just do whatever I want.  I'm not used to having time to myself at school, and I feel guilty being in my dorm room for long periods of time.  As I get more acclimated to how things are running and my friends in the drama school, I have decided I really need to take this time and (instead of incessantly stalking new friends on Facebook) just go out and see shows.  My lent resolution?

First Day of School

We're learning a new technique taught by Anna Helena.  I'm not really sure what it's called or how to accurately describe the craziness of this 5 hour workshop (to be continued every day for the next two weeks).  There is a lot of running around and chanting. Also, everything tied into Greek theater.  We had to create a uniform beat through breath and move together with the focus on one person (a la a Greek chorus + a protagonist).