Lessons from Dachau

As I had expected, my excursion to the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site was very emotional. Originally established in 1933 as a location for political prisoners (e.g., Communists and Social Democrats), Dachau would in time play an even darker part in the plans of Adolf Hitler. Between 1933 and 1945, at least 43,000 of the 202,000 prisoners died in the Dachau Concentration Camp and its sub-camps. Hunger, exhaustion, torture, and murder were some of most common causes of death.

Week 4 = Traveling!


It is towards the end of week 4. Last weekend (9/20/13), I went to Clermont. It is about 30 minutes from Vichy and it is where the main university campus is located. It was beautiful and a much larger city than Vichy; however, everything closed at 7pm, which is even earlier than in Vichy. I had a lot of fun traveling there with everyone.