Halfway around the world

When you think of Australia, do you automatically think of
Sydney? The outback? Maybe the Great Barrier Reef? Or just Finding Nemo? Yea…that
sounds about right, but what about Melbourne? The city wasn’t even on my radar.
Australia is a country I have always wanted to visit; it seems so exotic. No,
not Argentina or Dubai exotic, but
other-side-of-the-world-accent-different-lifestyle exotic. The perfect kind of

The First Day!

Oh my gosh, what a day! The plane ride over was long, and I didn't get to sleep, but I knew today would be amazing! My host family picked me up from the airport and showed me around Copenhagen. A beautiful city, indeed! Then we had a light breakfast - my host dad makes the best homemade jam. After breakfast, I had to take a nap. Once I was well-rested, I sorted out my room, money stuffs, and food. My family and I went on a walk of the town they live in, outside of Copenhagen.