Sydney: day 3

The sun was shining and I had an aching in my stomach. It was time for me to climb the Harbour Bridge…the bridge with the longest single arc span in the world. Oy. Somehow I was convinced into believing this was the thing you “have to do when you’re in Australia.” So, I booked my ticket, along with my mom and Jenna and off we went. I could barely eat breakfast I was so nervous! We put on our super stylist jumpsuits and got all hooked up with radios, headphones, sunny clips, and awesome caps.

Sydney: day 2

We finally got a day to sleep in, although going to bed at 10 forced us to wake up at 10ish. The sun was shining finally and we were off to the beautiful beaches of Sydney! We took a tram and then bus, the transportation was so simple and easy (but expensive). By the time the bus turned the corner to a full view of Bondi Beach we were starving. We hit up the first crowded cute cafe we found, Gabby’s. Wonderful cappuccino, and wonderful fruit and muesli bowl.

Farmer's Market Near Norreport Station

A new farmer's market opened up in Copenhagen within the last month and deserves an entire post because of how amazing it is. My friends and I checked it out today, not expecting much but staying open-minded. Well, we were amazed. The two long glass buildings house tons of varying shops that have meats, cheeses, breads, wines, chocolates, coffees and teas, pastries, fruits, smoothies, frozen yogurt, nuts, fish, and so on. Every type of food imaginable is there.