City 4: Noosa

While Noosa wasn’t on the original itinerary, our bus driver
convinced us that it was a must-see-stop for our trip. Boy, oh boy was he
right. Our hostel was amazing. All of our hostel rooms were simply some bunk
beds, but then we showed up at this resort. (I throw that word around loosely)
but the 5 of us were in a private bedroom, with our own bathroom, with a
magnifying mirror and straightener. They had complimentary breakfast, shuttle

Coming Soon

Hey all!

I haven't posted in a week because I spent the week in Istanbul, Turkey on a study tour with my study abroad program. It was amazing! I have many updates coming soon, but now I have to pack and get ready for another trip this weekend to Sweden with my host family. So much to do, so little time!

City 3: Rainbow Beach

We checked into our pretty dodgy hostel, but at least the
group of us were all in the same room again, and we had 3 crazy stoner surfer
dudes sharing the room too. As soon as we were settled in, we took a walk down
to the beach to take some pictures…and it was gorgeous! The name ‘rainbow’
comes from the rainbow colored sand and rocks found along the shore. No, not
your typical rainbow, but every shade from black to tan makes this beach

La Vida Loca: Life in Madrid

Night. Lamp-lit streets. A soft, sweet-scented breeze grazes the air as the fading sound of a guitar melody streams down the cobblestone walkway. In one direction lies a rectangular-shaped plaza crawling with life of all ages, and in the other sits a quiet cafe, nestled between the grizzled bricks of the old buildings. One of the many nights I spent in the streets of Madrid.