Eurotrip: Ireland

Oh Ireland, how I miss thee. Ireland is my favorite country in the world. From city, to farmland, to coast, it is simply breathtaking. Though our hostel was in Dublin, we only spent two days in the city. On the other two days, we went on day trips with a tour service called Paddy Wagon Tours. Highly recommended! In Dublin, we went to Trinity College and saw the Book of Kells. Quite fascinating and a must-see.

Eurotrip: London

Yay London! I love this city! I spent two weeks in London with my parents about 3 years ago. It was my graduation present, and a great present, indeed! So, I knew my way around the city. That helped since we lost our navigator, my friend Kevin. Our time in London was much more laid back as we didn't have a set schedule of events. We knew we wanted to see St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Parliament, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, and the Globe Theater.

The Final Countdown

Well readers, my amazing wonderful exciting adventure has far too quickly come to an end. The last week back at Queens College in Melbourne is definitely one for the history books - the sun was shining every day, and my group of friends cherished every single minute together and it was amazing. We explored the city quite a bit for the last time, rode the trams like there was no tomorrow, biked around, ate out quite a bit, and hit the beaches.

Eurotrip: Firenze

Our second stop on the whirlwind tour of Europe was Florence, Italy. Florence was my favorite city of the entire trip. Rome, though a beautiful and impressive city, was just a little too touristy for my liking. Florence, on the other hand, was much more relaxed and seemed more authentic to me.

Kia Ora: New Zealand

New Zealand mate. Oy. Is it possible to even describe the beauty
which this country has to offer? Well, no its not. But I will try. And if I
fail, or run out of adjectives...I'll let the photos do the talking.