Bon Anniversaire Molly!



So the day after I went to Marseille a group of us went out to dinner to celebrate Molly's birthday!

The restaurant we went to was Pasta Cosy.  I highly recommend it!

First, we got all nine cute mini tapas and as you can tell from the blurry hands, chowed down. 

God Jul! Merry Christmas!

A merry, Danish Christmas indeed! This past weekend was so much fun! I decorated the house with my host family, made Christmas arts and crafts, and listened to Danish Christmas music. Many of the decorations that we put around the house were elves so I asked my host dad why elves seemed to be much more important in Denmark than they are in the US. He said that in Danish Christmas tradition, every house has its own elf (or gnome, goblin, etc) that looks after the house.