2 Different Countries, 2 Different Sides Of The World, 2 Completely Different Study Abroad Experiences

Some of the most popular questions I'm asked usually involve how often I had class, how hard were my classes, what did I get for grades, etc. Just like the title says, my experiences studying abroad at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and at the Beijing Institute of Education in China through CET Academic Programs were extremely different. If you think about it, it makes sense.

American Soil

My last post. That’s right. I am back in the US! My family
greeted me excitedly at the airport with arms wide open and welcome home signs. It felt so good to be


Weekend in Jutland

I spent this past weekend in Jutland (the part of Denmark attached to Germany) with my host family. A cousin was celebrating her 18th birthday so the extended family got together to join in the fun. We had a lovely 3 hour drive to Jutland from Zealand, the island that Copenhagen is on. On the way to my host father's parents' house, we stopped in Jelling, home of the famous Jelling Stones.

Bottle Your Own Wine


 A while back I was able to go to a "Bottle Your Own Wine" Night.

We picked out bottles and filled them up with wine from containers.

We started with a rosé wine.

 Photo bomb!

Then there was this machine to get the cork in the bottle.