Study Abroad in China, White House Urges

The 100,000 Strong Initiative is a government-supported initiative that encourages 100,000 students to study abroad in China over a four-year period. This program was started for two main reasons: first, to keep up with the number of Chinese students studying abroad in America. In 2010 alone over 150,000 Chinese students were enrolled here for school!

The Globalization of the Study Abroad Experience

Over the past two decades, enrollment in study abroad programs has tripled; during the 2009-2010 academic year alone over 270,000 students studied abroad. The question is quickly becoming… is digital communication and Internet access helping or hindering students that study abroad? The constant contact with home could mean that students are not getting a full experience of their host country.

The LectureFail Project

Is it about time to retire the traditional lecture style class? Students and professors alike are weighing in on the LectureFail project. Students feel that professors need to embrace new technologies in order to make classes more interactive and engaging. On the other hand, professors argue that students need to take advantage of the opportunity to learn from their lectures.