Free Time. What to do with it, if you are lucky enough to have it.

Being abroad, there have been times when I  felt overwhelmed with attention and also completely isolated.  The best thing to do when you are feeling homesick or alone is to get out and explore.  Luckily, my study abroad program focuses less on school work therefore I am able to volunteer, travel, shop, explore spend time with my family and make new Senegalese friends.

The Other Side of the World and Back....or just the Other Side of Senegal for my Peace Corps Stay

Two weeks ago I started my travels by venturing to the Peace Corps house in the hottest region in Senegal, Tambacounda.  Located about 8 hours east of Dakar, walking into the Tamba regional Peace Corps house with three other girls from my program was like walking into an alternate universe.  It reminded me so much of frat houses that end up being trashed by 10 pm on a Saturday night-I quickly did not feel like I was not in Senegal anymore.  Needless to say, there w

What is this land America? So many travel there

It was an extremely hot July morning. Actually, not just “an”; it was the extremely hot July morning that would have changed my life forever. I was about to leave my city, my country, my continent, my life for something completely unknown. A true leap of faith. After 16 years in Europe, I was going to be an exchange students in the United States of America.

Travelling Around Scotland with the Family

I spent the last week with my parents and my brother travelling around Scotland. It was SO nice to have them here- you never know how much you missed someone until you see them. It was really great to be able to show them around Edinburgh and have them understand what my life is like here. They stayed at the lovely Hilton Caledonian which is apparently one of the oldest hotels in Edinburgh.