No Age, New Opportunities - Amanda Buthe, ThinkImpact Ghana Scholar

Over the last week we picked our design team members, invited each one to an introductory meeting and began to map out our plans for developing the Innovation Proposal by the end of this week.  Kate and I have a team of five women from all around our small cocoa farming village who we have chosen because each one has demonstrated a drive and ability to accrue an income outside of cocoa.  We wanted a group of women who we knew would be committed, interested, have enough time to spare, and also

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things - ThinkImpact Rwanda Scholar, Emily Fogelberg

It would not be a successful trip abroad if the soundtrack did not include at least a few songs from one of the greatest movies ever: The Sound of Music. When shuffling through my iPod a few days ago, I came across a mix from study abroad in Germany in 2004 with “Do-Re-Mi.” Later that afternoon, I caught myself walking around the village humming, “Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens.” In that spirit, here are a few of my favorite things about Rwanda.

Four Simple Steps to Find the Perfect College Apartment

Okay, so you’ve survived your first year or two of college. You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Hey, that wasn’t so bad! I only got one noise violation, I’ve made a couple of friends, and my grades are...well, acceptable. I’ve got this whole college thing figured out!”

Wrong. After this initial adjustment period, it’s likely that your college is evicting you and the rest of your class from the dorms. Now what?

Real World: Ghana!

This is the true story of 10 Scholars and 4 ThinkImpact staff members picked to live in a village and have their lives taped. Find out what happens when students and community members work together to create innovative solutions to global challenges. The Real World, ThinkImpact Ghana Innovation Institute 2012. 
