New Jersey Nights

I went to go see a show last night called New Jersey Nights at the King's Theater.  I thought I was going to see the musical Jersey Boys with a name change to suit Scotland, which I was quite excited to see because I've seen that musical in the States and I wanted to know how it would compare. However, I was in for a surprise.  It turned out to be a concert of Four Seasons songs instead and it was definitely geared towards an older crowd.

Joyce & Other News

I got my class schedule today from the head of the drama department (Joyce), and I must say, I'm a bit scared.  First of all, instead of having the same 5 classes all year, the classes are broken down into workshop type blocks with one week dedicated to a specific movement technique, another to film, etc.  I must admit, I don't really know how I'm going to survive going to the same class all day for a whole week (it's certainly a different type of learning than I'm used to).  

Getting Lost

Karen from Arcadia dropped me off at my student apartment in Glasgow last night.  I was terrified.  I am in a foreign city where I literally know no one and it's dark and rainy. Ahhhh!!! Thankfully, the next day was sunny (if cold) so I decided to try and get to know the city better with a run outside.  I made it to the city center, and even found my school building, but then it started going downhill (literally, there are a LOT of hills in this city).

An American President at Old Calton Cemetary

A photo tour of Edinburgh took me and two other newly met girlfriends to the Castle, the Royal Mile, and phone shopping on Princes' street (I got a dirt cheap one that can text and call in the US, but is woefully stupid).  The best part was Calton Hill.  The scavenger hunt told us to find two things: a cairn dedicated to the Parliament, and a US president in the Old Calton Cemetary.