Welcome to Roma!

After all the anticipation over a year, I can't believe I'm finally in Rome! We spent two days in London and arrived in Rome a few days ago. The past couple days have been a whirlwind. After finally getting settled I finally got to start exploring the beautiful city of Rome. Just in one day we saw the Vatican, the Spanish Steps and the Trevi fountain! All the architecture here is unbelievable.

Less than 48 hours!

With all the excitement of last minute shopping, packing and celebrating my twenty first birthday, the countdown continues to decrease! In just less than forty eight hours I will be on my way to London. Our trip starts off with a two-day trip to London before we head to Rome. All the packing is pretty much complete.

Air Travel Essentials to Pack in Your Carry On

A long haul flight can be stressful, dull, and uncomfortable. Many travelers would rather have a root canal that be stuck in the middle seat on an airplane. Any travel perks that existed in the past — food, blanket, earplugs and a movie — cost an arm and a leg on most flights today. The seats seem to have gotten smaller too, and if you've ever endured a 20-hour flight, you know that long distance travel can be a lot like contortion.