First days in Rome!

Once we landed in Rome, we went to a hotel near Vatican City for a night. Although the food in the hotel was good, we couldn’t wait to eat in little restaurants in the center of Rome! After our day long orientation we were shuttled to our apartments.  There are six girls living in my apartment. All of us had met and bonded during the trip to London so we all were comfortable around each other by time we moved into our apartment.

First Stop, London!

During the first part of our study abroad program was a two day trip to London. The university where we are taking classes in Rome is called Richmond University. The main university is located in London but they have study centers all over. Since the main campus was in London, a trip to London is included in almost all of the AIFS programs. Last year I did study abroad in London and it is one of my favorite cities in the world so when I heard I got the chance to go back I was really excited.