Week 15: Finals Week and The Final Week

It has finally hit me. I leave this wonderful place in a week. I have been so caught up in studying and taking finals that I took a deep breath and realized it's almost over. I am trying to focus on how excited I am to be going home so I don't get sad about leaving. This last week, I am taking in the beauty around me and really appreciating this amazing opportunity. 

3 Weeks Left!

Wow, I can't believe I only have 3 weeks left for this adventure! It has flown by the past couple weeks. I am still spending a lot of time on school work. I had nothing to do the first 5 weeks, and now I am slammed with work. I have made some amazing memories here and I am so glad I decided to take the leap and study abroad. In August, I was so nervous about leaving and a semester seemed like forever but now that it's almost over, I realize how quickly it has gone by.