Carnival 2012!

The thing I was looking forward to the most when I found out I was accepted to study abroad in Rome this semester wasn’t the food, the ruins, or the wine tastings. It was Carnival. Feel free to criticize me for being a serious dork but something about partying in Venice wearing masks all day and checking out the insane costumes all around you is irresistible. Carnival is basically a combination of America’s halloween and Mardi Gras.

Small Moments

I am furiously attempting to finish all of my work before my sister gets here on Sunday. I could not be more excited—- I am planning all of the sites we are going to hit and cafes we will eat at— but I am a little bit stressed. I have a surprising amount of work and it is all research papers which take a significant amount of time. Oh well. I have also been exercising my Pandora account and watching How I Met Your Mother during my breaks.

The Bidet Diaries

is of the utmost likelihood that you will use a bathroom during your study
abroad experience and there is a chance you may be confronted by a foreign
object inside. I certainly was as I opened the bathroom door.

Travelling to Paris and Barcelona

It’s hard to truly say you are an American study abroad student unless you are travelling all of the time. I have done my fair share of travelling around Scotland and exploring Edinburgh, but I spent the past week in Paris and Barcelona with one of my closest friends from GW, Liz, and two of my flatmates, Gabrielle and Emily.