Hello Bali

Hey everyone :)


So, I am Jessie Frahm I am 26 years old and when I am not on Bali I live and study in Denmark.

I study on a master program in finance and international business and on the third semester I was given the opportunity to chose an internship as one of my electives. 

Why Do You Walk So Fast - Maria De La Rotta, ThinkImpact South Africa Scholar

For the “immersion” stage in South Africa I made it my personal goal to ask as many questions as I could; from “what’s your name” to “why do you wear a lot of skirts and not pants”, I was determined to completely immerse myself into what the culture had to offer from the perspective of the explorer. For this reason, it was quite peculiar for me to hear a girl ask me “so Maria, why do you walk so fast?